
My husband John and I have been Certified Beekeepers since 2012.  We live in the country, so our bees have the advantage of hundreds of acres of wild areas to forage.  This means that they are not subjected to vast amounts of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides on the plants they visit. We do not chemically treat our hives for pests.  Our honey is raw, unfiltered and natural.  We leave in the "good" stuff and don't heat our honey, so all of mother natures "goodies" that make honey so beneficial are left in. In the US, most people think of honey as a "sweetener."  Most other countries in the world revere Honey a health food. 

Our honey is from our hives (4-7 depending on the year) on our 3 acres, which is adjacent to about 6000 acres of wild forage.  I use these wonderful gifts from our bees, (honey, beeswax, propolis and bee pollen) in my soaps and lotions for your skin's benefit.  Honey is a humectant that draws moisture to your skin, and the rest, including the honey, are loaded with vitamins, amino acids, and are antimicrobial, anti inflammatory and antibacterial. 

I wish we could tell you it was organic, but we can't because we don't have GPS tracking chips on our bees :) to see exactly where they go. And we can't guarantee that some of them don't stop off on a flower or two that were treated with chemicals in the 5 miles radius they visit when foraging.  But we do know they have hundreds of acres to forage without chemicals. 


TIP:  Keep local honey (not the cheap store bought stuff) handy to use on burns, cuts, and sores for quick healing. It's my "go-to" when anyone in my family needs first aid, including my pets. Great for sore throats!